We received a cool e-mail at the office yesterday... "I'd like to play a song of your fantastic album The Other Side Of Town on my radio show !". This e-mail was written by Carsten Rochow, based in Berlin and working for the deutsch national radio He obviously likes Kidsaredead and will play Band From the Past this thursday between 3.30 and 4pm during his show. You should listen to the show through the link below (streaming) ! Carsten gave us these infos about the show : "Tonart am Nachmittag" (in the afternoon) is a 90 minutes music magazine every week from Monday to Friday on Deutschlandradio Kultur. There are alternating hosts. I'm doing roughly 8 to 9 shows a month. The show is on from 3.30 to 5pm. In the first half hour until the news break I usually play stuff I like, and try to put it under a common theme. Later on the show I do interviews or talk to colleagues on music, shows, music related books and exhibitions, basically anything that has to do with music. Deutschlandradio Kultur is a national radio."
Anyway, we would like to say "thank you" to Cartsen. We're happy to heard that Kidsaredead will reach lots of other ears !