Native of Lyon, Victor Roux, a.k.a G R I M M E, started out with several bands from the Rhône-Aples region (Azrael, XX Mariani, ...) before deciding to go solo. He transforms his two rooms into a home studio and works on new songs which he first presents under his name, Victor. At the same time, he produced and composed songs and albums for other artists (Laurent Lamarca, Al-Hy, Eddy La Gooyatsh ...). Passionate about cinema and painting, the image has always had a great place in his artistic projects. After a first album, The world's all wrong but It's all right, "hymn to melancholy and to the glory of dreams", G R I M M E is back with Un hôtel, une étoile, a new album ... In the Salon, he offers us an extract from it: Ton départ ...